Operencia: The Stolen Sun – Developer Diary | Inspiration, Lore and Art

Published: February 6, 2019

Operencia: The Stolen Sun – Developer Diary | Inspiration, Lore and Art

Published: February 6, 2019

Hello, RPG fans! As a creative director and writer for Operencia: The Stolen Sun, it’s my pleasure to present to you our first developer diary. In less than six minutes, you’ll gain a solid grasp of what inspired this modernization of the first-person dungeon crawler – everything from centuries-old stories that shaped the world to where the name “Operencia” comes from in the first place.

To start things off, Oliver describes how we came upon the decision to create the game, and mentions some of the core inspiration behind the world – some really cool stuff. And do you know what a Buso is? I didn’t either when I started working on this project, but Tamas is going to introduce you to these fearsome – but somewhat loveable? – antagonists derived from actual history, and he’ll also take us to the beautiful Copper Forest (it’s so metal!). I think my personal favorite part comes near the end, though, when Lali walks us through the process of creating the game’s amazing cutscenes. (Oh…and I’m in this too for a bit, so that’s neat.)

As you probably know by now, Operencia: The Stolen Sun is coming to Xbox One, the Epic Games store and Windows 10 this spring. We’d love to hear your thoughts on the game, and we’re happy to answer any questions we can. Please, leave some comments or reach out to us through social media. Follow the game at @OperenciaRPG on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, and you can contact me personally through Twitter at @cbake76.