Published: August 31, 2012

Published: August 31, 2012
They’re coming… the fundead have invaded pinball in Zen Studios’ latest pinball DLC, Plants vs Zombies Pinball! This table is the first new table for Zen Pinball 2, and includes a variety of fully 3D interactive zombies and fully 3D plants to help keep the zombies from eating your brainz!
Features include:
• New effects! The table becomes fogged over during the “Going Nuts” mission and players can use a genuine Melon-Pult to keep zombies at bay!
• Preparation is the key to victory: Collect money and sunlight in times of peace to purchase the plants that will fight off the zombies
• New XBLA Achievement: “You Have Mail” (50 GS) and new PSN Trophies: “Letter from Mom” and “Malfunction”
Plants vs Zombies Pinball is now available for download in Zen Pinball 2 on PlayStation Network for $2.99, with Cross Buy entitlement on PS3 and PS Vita, and will be available September 5th for Pinball FX2 on Xbox Live Arcade for 240 MSP. Unearth those flippers and get ready to soil your plants!
Thanks to our community member ShoryukenToTheChin, we now have a guide to help you knock out those pesky zombies! This guide has twenty seven pages of tips, tricks and hints on how to beat your friends’ high scores while keeping the fundead at bay! And don’t worry, we won’t tell the zombies that you know what their weaknesses are. Hurry and check out our guides page before Dr. Zomboss takes over!